
Shoots : Left
Height : 6'3"
Weight : 220
Birth Date : 6/16/78
Place of Birth : ELEKTRENAI, LITH
Currently Resides : Cherry Hill, NJ, USA
Year Drafted : 1996
Round Drafted : 1
Overall Choice:15
Sweater Number: 9
Current Status: On the Roster (as of 3/4/98)
Compensation: $800,000.00 (as of 1/26/98)


Dainius appears to be very family-oriented for someone his age.  
He has been quoted saying that he wishes his parents, Gintas 
(his father) and Irena (his mother), would retire and allow them 
to take care of and provide for them.  Aw!  How Sweet!  

Dainius was feeling pretty lonely last year. So after going home to Lithuania last year, Dainius returned to New Jersey with his 21-year-old brother Audrius. Audrius is now enrolled in St. Joe's to learn English.

Over the summer, Dainius went home to Lithuania for a few weeks for a He also attended (and was the only Flyer thus invited) Roger Neilson's hockey camp in Israel.

His    Favorite    Things

Band: Bon Jovi
Movie: Braveheart
Meal: Steak and baked potatoes
Opposition Rink: Arrowhead Pond
TV Show: The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Enjoys: golf, tennis, and working out

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